What are the requirements to join GirlScouts?
Each Girl Scout Program level is by grade.
Daisies - Kindergarten-Grade 1
Brownies Grades 2-3
JuniorsGrades 4-5
Cadettes Grades 6-8
Seniors Grades 9-10
Ambassadors Grades 11-12
What does Girl Scouting offer my daughter?
Girl Scouting offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness. Service projects, ceremonies, games, and other activities guide girls through the core values and give them a sense of personal achievement. Through positive peer group interaction and parental guidance, girls also learn honesty, responsibility, and respect.
For more information on the benefits of Girl Scouting, please review the attached two files: How Girl Scouting Benefits Girls and Linking Leadership to Academic Success: The Girl Scout Difference.
How does participation in Girl Scouting affect participation in other activities?
The Girl Scout program is designed to complement many other extracurricular activities. Typical time commitment is one troop meeting and Service Unit event per month.
What are the responsibilities of a parent?
·Provide help and support for the troop. Become CORI certified.
·Work with your daughter on advancement projects and activities.
·Attend troop meetings with your daughter and present her advancement awards to her at the troop meeting.
·Attend and assist with troop outings.
·Assist your daughter with the fundraising activities to help the troop.
Do Girl Scouts go camping?
Yes, camping, both in tents and lodges, are an important part of the Girl Scout experience. There are many wonderful Girl Scout camps located throughout Eastern New England that are available for troops and families. Summer camps offer girls a variety of activities that match their interests. More on Girl Scout camping can be found at http://www.gsema.org/en/camp/our-camps.html
What other activities are available to Girl Scouts and their families?
In addition to the troop activities that provide a rich environment for girls and their families. The Wayland service unit sponsors many events including:
Daisy Sampler
Scarecrow & S'mores
Soccer Spirit Game
Roller Skating
Grout Heard Open House
Cookie Palooza
Children’s Holiday Shoppe
Basketball Spirit Night
Brownie/Daisy Try-It
World Thinking Day
Me & My Pal Dance
BSO Concert
Court of Awards, Bridging Ceremonies
Memorial Day Parade
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts offers a multitude of programs and discounts to registered Girl Scouts and their families. Some examples include discounts on Red Sox, Celtics and other sporting events, Duck boat tours, plays, movies and other special events. Seasonal activities like snow shoeing, cross-country skiing, boating, high ropes and much, much more.
How much is it going to cost?
The annual Girl Scout registration fee is $40 and includes both the National and Council fees. Troops typically begin in September/October and run through the school year.
Other costs include uniforms, troop dues, and some activity fees including those for camps. Youth members participate in two fund-raising activities (fall products such as magazines and chocolate, and cookies in the spring), which helps to cover troop supplies, and other activities.
Where can I buy uniforms, troop and council number patches?
The nearest Girl Scout store is in Waltham, located at Camp Cedar Hill. 265 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02452
Phone: 781-893- 6293
·If you can't make it to the store,and are comfortable specifying your daughter's size, they will also take phone orders and ship. Alternatively, you can order everything online from GSEMA.
How often are the meetings?
Girl Scouts usually meet in their troops once or twice each month. Beyond that, it depends on the troop: a troop may hold a special activity, such as a service project or visit to a local museum in place of one of the meetings or in addition to the meetings. Likewise, the Troop may conduct a special event such as a campout, or service activity as an additional event, rather than a substitute for its monthly Troop meeting.
How can I learn more?
The best way to learn about what a Girl Scout really does is to talk with a Girl Scout who is engaged in the program. Alternatively, you can learn more about the Girl Scout program by selecting"Contact Service Unit" (above) and asking questions, or leave your phone number to receive a call from the Service Unit Coordinator.