7OCT18 (SUN) 11AM Eagle Court of Honor for Andrew Emack at the Old SaybrookEstuary
8OCT18(MON-COLUMBUS DAY) Helping Ben Buzzeo on his Eagle Project- 4benches at the CT State Veterans Cemetery from 8AM-4PM
12-14OCT18(FRInight-SUN) Camping at
JL Goodwin StatePark in Hampton (about 1hr drive off of RT395)
1NOV (Thurs) Dues due ($110 for the first boy, $100 for each additionalsibling) ALSO start of the Wreath sales
3NOV (SAT) UMC Church fall cleanup (to be confirmed)(Service Project)
9-11 (FRI-SUN) Camping at Cockaponsettand The Feast at SITE E
15NOV(THURS) 7PM UMC at normal scout meeting we will be helping UMC set upfor their Holly Fair
29NOV(THURS) Court of Honor and bring gift to donate to Toys to Tots
30NOV XMAS wreath sales are due to Mrs. Nobitz
1DEC18(SAT) VA Hospital...set up fortheir XMAS gift store (Service Project)
1-2DEC18 (SAT & SUN) Schremp's TreeFarm..passing out hot coffee and hot chocolate from 10AM-2PM both days.Donation jar for Military care packages
8DEC18 (sat) XMAS wreath sales pickupat Mrs. Nobitz's house
8-9DEC18 (SAT & SUN) Schremp's TreeFarm..passing out hot coffee and hot chocolate from 10AM-2PM bothdays.
20DEC(Thurs) 7PM UMC normal meeting willbe the gift exchange, and pizza party
4JAN18 FOR ONLY THOSE EAGLE SCOUTS(and I am guessing their family)- Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner at WestbrookELKS
5/6JAN, 12/13, 19/20th XMAS Tree Pickups (Sat/Sun)
1-3FEB Klondike for MBT District at JN Webster Camp?
10FEB (SUN) Scout Sunday at UMC
MARCH 2019
22-24MAR19 Webelos II Meet and Greet at 49'rs cabin at Camp Mattatuck
APRIL 2019
6APR(SAT) Merit Badge Madness at Xavier High School
3-5MAY Deer Lake Crossover with Pack 55
JUNE 2019
7-9JUN Camping at Mowhawk Trail State Park in Charlemont MA and Rafting with ZOAR Outdoors on Deerfield River