Pack 770's
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Tiger 1st Grade
Wolf 2nd Grade
Bear 3rd Grade
Webelo 4th/5th Grade
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Raingutter Regatta
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Scouting History
American Legion Post

Cub Scout Pack 770
(Parma, Ohio)
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Pack 770 Where you're not just a number!

*We are sponsored by the American Legion Post 572 Joseph Jacubic.
*We meet every Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 during the school year.
*A parent/guardian is required to attend each meeting. Cub Scouts is about making family memories
*Dues are only $2 a week and are used for projects/awards.
*Scouts should keep phones, video games and electronic devices at home. (except trips for taking pictures) 
*You can join at any time!
*Wear your uniform, do a good deed or volunteer to lead the pledge to earn a "cub buck". Keep collecting them to win a prize from the Pack treasure chest