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Boy Scout Troop 29
(Congers, New York)
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Troop 29 Popcorn Sales helps your Community

Recent Projects to help the community are brought to you by Congers, NY Troop no. 29.

Help us help you!
By supporting Troop 29 with popcorn purchases and donations,
you are contributing to support these young scouts for your community,
with projects such as:

Eagle Scout Projects:

Germond Baseball Stone Wall Renovation
Hi-Tor Animal Shelter Storage Shed
St. Paul's Outdoor Stations of the Cross
Girl Scouts Addison Boyce Camping Platforms
Congers Fire Hydrant Markers
St. Pauls Blessed Mother Grotto Renovation
Snyder Cemetery Refurbishment

Congers Elementary School Garden
Good Counsel Home Garage Renovation

9-11 Memorial Garden at the King’s Highway Volunteer Ambulance Corp.

St. Paul's Church Garden

The Scouts:
March in the Memorial Day Parade
Yearly maintain the VMA Congers Memorials
Clean and maintain a portion of Old Mill Road for your driving pleasure

PLUS, we promote:
good wholesome values
moral behavior
foster strong sense of community
joining the military service
God and our Country

Popcorn Q&A

  • What am I selling?  Yes, you are selling popcorn products, but the real sale here is promoting and gaining support for BOY SCOUTS.  Scouting is a wonderful organization.  You are asking the support from your neighbors, family, and friends to give to Boy Scouts by purchasing these products.
  • How do I sell Popcorn?  Either door-to-door, online sales, through email, or have your parents bring the order form to work.
  • Do I collect the money at the point of sale or when I make the delivery?  Either, however, at the point of sale means you don't have to chase after the customer for the money if they don't have money when you are deliverying the product.
  • What kind of payment should I collect?  Cash or check.  Make sure you record payment and give a receipt.
  • What if I sell a Military Donation of popcorn?  Collect the money, and immediately give a completed donation receipt to your customer, giving them thanks for supporting our uniformed servicemen and women of our nation.
  • If I collect checks as payment, who does the customer make the check out to?  Have the check made out to "BSA Troop 29 NY".
  • When do I turn in the money?  Turn in both completed order form with money to Mrs. Schauble during one of the troop meetings, but no later than October 30, 2013.  Make sure you make a copy of the order form for yourself.
  • Why should I sell popcorn?  The commissions earned from selling popcorn products goes directly towards all the Troop 29 Boy Scouts and offsets many costs associated with supplies, equipment, trips, and overnight activities.  The more we all sell, the less we need to pay for these and so many other activities.  As an added bonus, you gain confidence speaking with the public about this wonderful community-oriented  organization!

Bonus Rewards from Trail's End


Icon File Name Comment  
military_receipt.pdf Download and print military receipts  

Scouts can now sell online & face-to-face!


The best way to sell plenty of delicious popcorn is to prepare, promote and pair up with another scout or a parent for door-to-door sales.  Remember, there's safety in numbers!

Get helpful tips
here to learn more on how to reach your goals set for maximum prize, plus sell online to reap even more rewards, and earn support money for your troop's functions, trips, gatherings, and equipment. 

Count on selling delicious popcorn as gifts, as a tasty snack or as corporate gifts to their employees.  Sell them as holiday gifts, or promote them as a thoughtful snack when you are invited for dinner or to a party.  Even use the popcorn as stocking stuffers! 



Troop 29 Popcorn Sales Information


Total Activity Cost & Expenses $12, 540.00
               Other Unit Expenses $        0.00
                      Unit Sales Goal $10,000.00
                   Scout Sales Goal  $   526.32
                    Unit Commission  $3500.00


2015 Parent Sales Handout

Icon File Name Comment  
2013ParentHandout.pdf 2013 Parent Sales Handout