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Boy Scout Troop 367
(Medway, Massachusetts)
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July 28 - August 3, 2019

Summer camp is a blast!!!
Just ask someone who has been there.

It is time to start planning for this year's summer camp. Information will be made available as it released by council.

Sign up for summer camp will begin on Monday, April 29th. The fee for camp this year will be $425 if paid before May 15th, $450 if paid after May 15th. Newly crossed over Webelos will receive the early bird rate until June 1st.

If there are multiple siblings attending Summer Camp, the fee will be $325 for the second, third, fourth, etc. sibling attending the same week. This discount is only given if the fees are paid before May 15th.

If you have any questions, please ask any of the adult leaders.

Icon File Name Comment  
BSA Medical Form.pdf Summer Camp Medical Form