Getting Your Credentials:
1. Register as an adult member for Girl Scouts. Please remember to complete your background check.
2. Complete Girl Scouting 101 online. This is a 45-minute, self-paced online orientation to Girl Scouting.
Remember to log in so Girl Scouts know you completed it!
The next three requirements are webinars.
There are many dates and times listed so find one that's convenient.
You can find these on Search for the titles listed.
3. Complete Basic Leadership Training Webinar. Learn the basics to get your troop up and running. The class is free, but you must preregister for this class. It takes about 2 hours to complete. To register and see a schedule of open classes, please go to Search for Basic Leadership Training.
4. Additional in-person, free level Webinars are available for those looking for resources by troop level
(e.g. Daisy Level Training—Webinar). Join us to learn about resources and share ideas with other leaders.
5. Beyond BLT Webinar - Now that your troop’s up and running, you have more questions. We can help!
6. Volunteer Essentials Handbook 2017/2018 - Procedures and rules to follow.
7. American Red Cross First Aid & CPR - Successful completion of this course results in two-year first aid and CPR certifications.
8. Make sure your co-Leader has completed all of the credentials above that you have. See Safety wise for ratios needed.
Building Your Troop:
1. Once you and your co-Leader are trained, you will be given a troop number, a letter to open a troop bank account with a no-fee, no-minimum bank.
2. To get girls involved, you can distribute fliers to classmates provided to you by your Field Executive or one you create yourself.
3. You can also hold a parent’s information night or send a letter to parents on GSHNJ letterhead or via Facebook and Twitter.
4. Be sure to select the appropriate Journeys books for your troop level, as well as the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.
5. Decide whether your troop will collect dues from each girl.
6. Make sure each girl in your troop is registered online.
Finally…HAVE FUN!