The troop needs an up-to-date Health Form for anyone (youth or adult) who participates in camping activities. (see Annual Health & Medical Record--links to a webpage with information. Health & Medical Form
Everyone who goes camping with the troop must have proof that they completed the BSA Youth Protection Training. The certificate that is generated when the training is completed must be on file with the Troop. You must take YPT every two (2) years.
There are several kinds of camping experiences in Troop 23. Summer camp usually occurs in July and lasts approximately one week at a Boy Scout owned camp or reservation. This is also known as Resident camping. The Laurel Highlands Council Summer Camp is located at Heritage Reservation. Every other year the troop travels to an out-of-council camp that may be out-of-state. At summer camp, Scouts and adults sleep in tents. Health physicals are required for everyone staying overnight at summer camp. All adults leaders (people 18 years and older) and parents–must have proof of current Youth Protection Training completed on file with the troop in order to go camping with the Unit.
Short-term or weekend camping can be cabin, tent or Adirondack camping. It usually begins Friday night and last until Sunday morning. A signed permission slip for each scout is needed for each trip.
All adult leaders and parents must have proof of current Youth Protection Training completed on file with the troop in order to go camping (short term or resident camping with the Unit.
The troop can camp almost anywhere, but Troop 23 most often uses the following destinations:
Laurel Highlands Council Camps--Anawanna located near Amity, Baker located near Beaver Falls, Guyasuta located in Sharpsburg, and Twin Echo in New Florence (outside of Ligonier) In addition, we can now stay at all of the camps in the former Penn Woods, including Camp Seph Mack and Camp Anderson
French Creek Council --Custalogatown near Sandy Lake in Mercer County
Moraine Trails Council--Agawam near New Castle; Bucoco near Slippery Rock
Non-Council locations -- Raccoon Creek State Park Scout Camping Area in Beaver County and Laurel Caverns near Uniontown
Trip Cancellation and Refund PolicyIf it becomes necessary to cancel a camping trip, money cannot be returned if the food for the trip has been purchased. If a Scout does not provide a signed permission slip, he cannot go camping and a refund cannot be given. If a Scout decides not to participate in the trip, a refund cannot be given. Reasons for cancelling a trip include:
- Not enough drivers to transport Scouts to and from the campsite
- Inclement weather conditions
- Activity is cancelled
What does the Scout need to bring on camping trips?
- Scout Handbook
- Sleeping bag, sleeping pad, pillow (optional); chair (optional, but a good idea for short-term and a great idea for summer camp)
- Clothing appropriate for the trip/season including rain gear, extra socks, etc., appropriate footwear
- Toiletries, sun protection, bug spray, medication (given to the Scoutmaster)
- Unbreakable cup for both hot and cold food and beverages, plate and utensils, personal pocketknife (if you have a Totin chip)
Who Are the Adults Who Go on Camping Trips?
Registered adult leaders and parents/guardians can accompany Scouts on weekend and summer camping trips. Everyone who goes camping must pay to cover the cost of the trip. To transport a Scout other than a son, drivers must be 21 years old, provide the troop with proof that they have a current license and insurance. This information is kept in Troopmaster and is given to Laurel Highlands Council. All adult leaders (anyone older than 18 years) and parents must have proof of current Youth Protection Training completed on file with the troop in order to go camping with the unit.
Who buys what and how much does it cost?
The Troop:
-Provides trained leaders, the Troop and American flags, when needed, tents for adults and Scouts, lanterns and propane, stove(s) for cooking, pots and pans, coolers for food needing refrigeration, first aid kit, axes, saws, shovels, caution tape, rope.
-Depending on the type of camping, either a registered adult leader or a scout from one or more of the patrols buys the food.
-Although Scouts can bring snacks to eat while they drive to a campsite, no food is allowed in the tents or in their gear.
-The normal cost of a camping trip is $15.00 per person. This covers the cost of food and miscellaneous supplies for the trip and $5 goes to pay for the cost of gas to transport scouts and equipment to and from the campsite. Troop dues and fundraising cover the costs of renting campsites, cabins or Adirondacks and Troop equipment.
-There may be additional costs associated with camping if special activities are planned. These costs include entrance fees to facilities and/or programs. The troop announces all fees prior to the camping trip at the meeting, in email and on the webpage and troop calendar on t23dormont.scoutlander.com
-Weekend camping fees are due at the scout meeting 10 days prior to the scheduled event. All scouts and adults who plan to go camping MUST indicate this using the t23dormont.Scoutlander.org calendar function for the trip. Those individuals who have signed up will receive the reminder for the camping trip 48 hours prior to the event.
What Are the Ground Rules for Camping?
- The Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader /ASPL are the trip leaders. If either is not available, the scoutmaster designates his replacement.
- The Troop follows the principles of Leave No Trace, the Outdoor Code, the Scout Law, Oath and Motto.
- The Buddy System is always followed
- There are no alcoholic beverages or drugs allowed; Scouts are not permitted to smoke. Adults, who do smoke, cannot smoke in the presence of the Scouts.
- Scouts are not permitted to have electronic games, radios, MP3 players, IPods, CD players, etc., while camping. Scouts are not permitted to use Cell phones to make phone call while on camping trips. If the Scout needs to contact someone, they should talk to the Scoutmaster/Trip leader and get permission. An adult must be present when scouts make emergency phone calls.
- Scouts and adults must follow the safety rules for pocketknives found in the Scout handbook.
- Scouts can work on merit badges on short-term camping trips if pre-arrangements are made; the Scout must bring a copy of the merit badge book.
- Scouts and adults must follow the rules related to Youth Protection, Health and Safety, camp rules, and "good old common sense.
Troop Fees and Costs related to Camping.
Camping Trips--
- The Troop pays for the campsite and provides tents and patrol boxes for camping trips. It is assumed that Scouts & Scouters will have appropriate camping gear (sleeping bag; sleeping pad; flashlights; personal knife, appropriate shoes and attire, etc.).
- $15/trip for food and gas for each person attending the activity.
- Camporees: District or Council wide events that have a theme. There are fees associated with attending the camporee in addition to the cost of food. The Scout/Scouter pays the fee prior to the event; refunds are not usually available.
- Troop Big Trip: Every June the troop plans a special, 4-day trip (Friday through Monday). In the past the Troop has gone to Gettysburg, Washington DC and Erie. The trip involves extra expenses related to food, activities & accommodations. The fee varies for this trip. Scouts & Scouters are expected to pay prior to the trip. Full or partial refunds may not be available.
- Fees for special activities such as canoeing, shooting, skiing, or caving etc. may be associated with camping trips.
- Unless otherwise indicated all fees must be paid at least 10 days (two Tuesdays) prior to the camping trip date.
Summer Camp--fee and payment scheduled are posted on the web. If a scout has difficulty making complete payment for summer camp, Council-wide Camperships are available when the Troop camps at Heritage Reservation. Contact the Scoutmaster for details. The troop attends Heritage Reservation every other year. The year the troop does not go to Heritage it goes to an out-of-council camp. Fees related to transporting scouts and equipment may be added to the cost of summer camp.