The following was taken from Podcast 122. Larry Geiger
"You know what? This program is for you, its not for the boys. You know an eleven year old has no goals. He may have some kind of clue about fatherhood or college but he doesn't really. His parents know what his abilities are. You know what kind of future he has. You know what kind of preparation you believe he needs. This Troop is here to be a part of you family to achieve that goal. When your boy gets to 18 or 19 and he is ready to leave home what do YOU want for him? I you believe that we can help with parts of that along with your Church, your school, your parenting, your grandparents, and your community, we want to be want to be a part of that. We work for you, we are here for you. We are going to do the Scouting program, we are not going to do something else. You have to get on board a little bit with Scouting but we will do everything we can as volunteers in this program to help you and your son achieve the goals that you want for him. The ideals of Scouting, the Oath and the Law, the Scouting program, taking them out in the rain, maybe not feeding them enough, is what they need. Parents sometimes think that the School is about the School and not about them. We don't feel that way about parents and Scouting. I want to achieve the parents' goals. Hopefully, by the time the boy gets to 16, 17, or 18, its about him achieving his goals. However, with an 11 year old? He usually has no goals." We fix that.
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