Welcome all Youth, Kindergarten to 3rd grade, to Pack 46 to join our Adventures and make memories for a lifetime. See further below to see what Den 3, now Boy Scouts, did in 2013. Join our Pack by contacting:
Pack Chair Steve Kenzer, skenzer@yahoo.com, home phone 775 425-4691
Sparks Greenbrae Lions Club Representative Larry Grube, larry@summitnv.com, cell phone 775 224-4369.
Please browse our public website to learn more about us.
Girls...Pack 46 has a great incentive for you to join!!!
In January of this year, Pack 46 was one of four Packs in Northern Nevada selected by the Nevada Area Council to accept girls earlier than the original September kickoff date. This is an opportunity to have the bragging rights for a lifetime of having been one of the first girl Cub Scouts and further on, one of the first girl Eagle Scouts. This introduction now makes Pack 46 a Family Scouting Adventure and we are Proud to be one of the first Packs to include Youth of all cultures, ethnic backgrounds, religious creeds and gender.
We are waiving the National annual registration fee of $33.00 for any girl that joins prior to March 15, 2018. Contact one of our Leaders above and we will arrange to get you signed up.
What does a Family Scouting Pack/Troop look like? Check out the Facebook page of Troop 1,3,5 in Sparks' Sister City, Longford Ireland doing what Scouts do all over the world,
Contact us as soon as possible to start your Adventure!