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Boy Scout Troop 51
(Methuen, Massachusetts)
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Troop_51_Permission_Slip-web site.doc  

Permission Slip for all Events





Dear Parents: Boy Scout Troop 51 is planning a day outing / overnight camping trip to:




The trip will start from______________________________________on_____________________________

                                                                             (Location)                                                                           (Date/Time)

And we will return to_______________________________________ on ____________________________

                                                                             (Location)                                                                           (Date/Time)


The cost of the trip will be:  Transportation: _________________ Food: ______________________

                                              Other: _______________________ Total: _________________________


Special Instructions: ______________________________________________________________________


Separate the form. Keep the top and return the bottom part to the Scoutmaster.





Boy Scout: _______________________________has permission to go on a day outing / camping trip to:




The trip will start from______________________________________on__________________________

                                                                                             (Location)                                                                         (Date/Time)


In consideration of the benefits derived, we expressly waive all claims against, agree to hold harmless or indemnify the Troop, BSA Spirt Of Adventure  Council, BSA National Council, or their representatives on account of any accident, injury, illness or other damage that may occur in connection with, or incident of this trip.  The scout is in good physical condition, unless I have otherwise stated on the reverse side of this slip.  (Please also list on the reverse side any allergies, unusual health conditions, or handicaps, and/or authorized medications that the Scout is currently using.)


In case of            Name_____________________________            Name________________________________

Emergency            Address___________________________            Address______________________________

Notify:              City/State__________________________            City/State_____________________________

(Relatives            Phone_____________________________            Phone________________________________

Only)                Relationship________________________            Relationship___________________________

Please list any medications that the Scout is currently using.




            In case of Emergency: I understand that every effort will be made to contact me. In the event that I

                cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission for the physician, selected by the adult leader in charge,

                to secure proper treatment which may include hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery or injections of

                medication for my son/dependant.


Date: ______________________ Parent/guardian Signature: ________________________________________


I will live by the Boy Scout Oath, Law, and Motto & Slogan and abide by the Outdoor Code. Failure to obey these requirements can result in my parents being called to come and take me home from the outing.


Date: ________________________ Scout Signature: _______________________________________