Dear Parents or Guardians,
This section is to inform you about Girl Scouts, what to expect with it and answer any questions you may have.
Girl Scouting was founded on March 12, 1912 by
Juliette Gordon Low.
She believed that any girl who persevered could enter a profession such
as medicine, aviation and science and rise to a level of distinction
and accomplishment. Juliette formed girl Scouts to help girls reach
their goals. Membership has grown from 18 members in Savannah to 3.7
million girl and adult members world-wide.
Girl Scouting in the USA is part of the World Association of Girl Guides
and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) which is a worldwide family of 10 million
girls and adults in 145 countries.
GSUSA Mission statement: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
The Girl Scout Program
The long term outcome for the
Girl Scout Leadership Experience
is that girls lead with courage, confidence, and character to make the
world a better place. To reach this long term outcome, the
3 keys are 1.
Discover, as sense of self and their values 2.
Connect with others 3.
Take Action to make the world a better place.
All levels of Girl Scout programs are adapted to meet the developmental,
educational, emotional and social needs and interests of girls. Girls
have the option to
participate in Girl Scout programs in Groups, Troops, or as individual members called Juliettes.
Groups are comprised of girls with common interests who meet on a
long-or short term basis to pursue special activities. Groups may
combine girls from more than one program age level.
Troops are the foundation of Girl Scouting. A Troop usually consists of
girls from the same program age level who meet on an ongoing basis,
weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Girls in a Troop may be from one or more
grade levels.