Dear Pack 318/93 Parents,
Welcome to the adventure of Scouting! This Parent Guide to Pack 318/93 was prepared with our busy pack parents in mind. It contains basic information to help you get to know the pack better and includes links to information available online and on our website at Pack 318. Please let us know how we can help you.
Yours in Scouting,
The Pack 318/93 Committee
Who is Pack 318/93?
Pack 318 scouts represent every public school in St. John Parish. Through a partnership with Pack 93 which was founded in 1983, we additionally have a great group from Ascension of Our Lord. Our dedicated leadership team represents abroad range of professional influence that we readily pass on to the boys. Pack 318 was founded in 1974 and is the oldest continuously active Pack in St. John Parish. Boys and girls from five to eleven years old are involved in 5 different levels of progression. Den activities cover aspects of respect,faith, citizenship, courage, responsibility, and many other values that help to develop the boys and girls with the ultimate goal of improving society. We encourage the children to have fun while learning valuable life lessons. We hope that we can better society by setting forth well rounded children that will grow to be successful leaders of society. We are part of the River Parish District. This is important to you as a parent because the District and the Council organize camping trips, fundraisers, community events, and other fun activities for Scouts living in our area.
Who’s Who in Pack 318/93?
Cub Master: The Cub Master is responsible for pack meetings and reports to the Committee. Children view him/her as the main authority figure in the pack. He/she works closely with the Pack Committee providing organizational leadership for pack activities and administration.
Pack Committee: The Pack Committee is responsible for pack administration and is led by the Committee Chair. The committee supports the Cub Master and meets once a month to manage finances, fundraising, registration, leader selection and training, pack planning, special events, and other areas as needed.
Den Leaders are parents who register as leaders with BSA to help the boys and girls in their den. Their job is to plan out den activities in the handbooks so the boys and girls have fun while learning. Den Leaders are members of the Committee.
All leaders fill out an application to register with BSA, pass a background check, complete leader training, youth protection training, and we are an official uniform to den and pack events. Other registered leaders include those on the Committee who manage Finance, Advancement, and Fundraising. We are grateful to have the help of parent volunteers who team up to coordinate events for the Pack such as the Pinewood Derby, the family camp out, and our Blue & Gold celebration.
Boys and Girls can be leaders too! Click here for more information on Denners!
How does Cub Scouting Work?
Cub Scouts is a year-round family program.
A Parent’s Role: Cub Scouts is 100% parent-led. Your main role is to be your Child's partner: attend den and pack meetings and actively support the pack and den by volunteering to help with activities. All of our leaders are parents just like you with similar schedules and demands. Training is provided, it’s fun, and children love it when their whole family is involved. Please contact the Cub Master or Committee Chair for more information on how you can be a part of the action.
Ranks and Dens: Cub Scouts are organized by grade into Ranks:
Lions's - Kindergarten; Tigers -1st Grade; Wolf - 2nd Grade; Bears -3rd Grade; and Webelos/Arrow of Light - 4th and 5th Grades
Boys and Girls meet in small groups called “dens” with trained Den leaders. Dens meet weekly September through May. All the dens gather together once a month for a Pack Meeting where we present awards and enjoy a fun activity. The Pack plans outdoor activities over the summer to keep children active and connected to the pack.
Boys and Girls can earn the Summertime Pack Award Pin by participating in 3 summertime pack events: Council or District Camp outs, Pack Hike, Pack Bike Ride, Family Camp out.
Dues and Pack Payment Policy Pack Dues $175 annually due by October 30, 2018. This covers: den dues, recharter fees, council fees, pack t-shirt, next year's rank book
Payment Methods: The Pack accepts cash, checks, VISA/MC. On card payments, a small amount will be added to cover the card fee. If a check happens to bounce, you will need to reimburse the pack in a timely manner for the check and any bank fees we incur associated with the NSF.
Reimbursements: If you need to be reimbursed for a pack related expense, keep your receipts and submit them along with a note that includes your name, contact info, the amount to be reimbursed, and a brief description of the expense and the related event. i.e: $62 for pizza at Pinewood Derby
Lost and Found
Contact the Cub Master or your Den Leader if you lost an item at a pack meeting or other event. The Cub Master usually sends out a list of any lost and found items with his monthly newsletter.
TIP: Being in charge of the Lost & Found for the den, taking attendance, is a great job for a Denner and an easy way for a parent to help the Den Leader.
Behavior Expectations
Pack 318/93 follows BSA’s code of conduct rules as they relate to our pack and our charter. We take a commonsense approach to behavior inside the pack. We want our boys and girls to have fun, be engaged, and move around but we also need to be able to run an orderly meeting. As a parent, if you ever have a concern about scout behavior, please bring it to the attention of your Den leader or the Cub Master.
Behavior Guidelines for Scouts: Wear your uniform with pride;sit with your den; listen when someone is speaking up front; and raise your hand to ask a question. If you hear “Signs Up!” the appropriate response is to stop what you are doing, show the Cub Scout sign, and listen for instructions.Keep your hands to yourself; ask before you borrow; don’t take anything that doesn’t belong to you; say please and thank you. Don’t tease, bully, or haze other scouts or their siblings; be friendly, cheerful, courteous, and respectful to everyone. Leave a location in better condition than you found it;don’t wander off to explore another part of a building or leave a meeting place without your parent with you. Do Your Best!
For Parents: Be good role models - courteous, respectful, friendly,and helpful. Be on time; contact your den leader if you can’t attend a meeting.Keep your child’s uniform in good condition; be responsible for your children’s conduct at a meeting. Participate; avoid using cellphones and having side conversations when someone is speaking up front. No coarse joking, swearing, smoking, alcohol, illegal drugs, or firearms are ever permitted.
For Leaders: In addition to the above, leaders should practice being mentors and good role models in scouting by keeping the Scout Law and the Scout Oath. Wear your uniforms to all events; be on time; stay organized; be in good communication with den parents. Ask for help. Practice listening to your scouts and keep activities fun for boys. Keep your training up to date and pursue additional training when it’s available. Leaders must follow the requirements laid out in BSA’s Youth Protection Training and practice 2-deep leadership.
Basics of Youth Protection:
2-Deep Leadership: Pack 318/93 practices 2-deep leadership which means that two leaders are present at all times when scouts are present. A leader's own child is an exception, of course. We encourage parents to participate in all pack and den events whenever possible. Lion's and Tigers must always be accompanied by their adult partner.
Camping & Overnights: In Cub Scouts we have the opportunity to attend day camps and overnight camp outs. A parent or an adult guardian must accompany their scouts on overnight trips. Children are not allowed to share a tent with any one other than an adult family member or their adult guardian. Sorry kids, no slumber parties at camp outs.