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Cub Scout Pack 6
(Meadow Vista, California)
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"A Scout is Thrify"
 A Scout works to pay his own way and to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.
  This is one of the Scouting ideals. Cub Scouts, like most boys want things and developing an understanding of how to save or earn to get those things helps develop goal setting and a sense of value.  It should be every scouts goal to go to summer camp and saving or earning money to defray the cost helps a scout mature.
More thoughts on Thrift (Leaving Pack 6 Website)

Camp Cards - Every Scout Deserves to Go To Camp

This fundraiser benefits camp-bound Cub Scouts

What are Camp Cards? The "Camp Card" is designed to help Scouts earn their way to a Camp experience.

Find a Scout and buy a card! Scouts participating in this program earn 50% commission, $2.50 for each $5.00 Camp Card.

The program runs from March Through May.

Read more. (Leaving Pack 6 Website)

Read even more on Camps! (Leaving Pack 6 Website)

Pioneer Day Pancake Breakfast

This fundraiser benefits our surrounding community, including local Scouting

Sponsored by the Meadow Vista Lions Club, 

which is the Charter Organization (sponsor) of Pack 6.

Meadow Vista Lions Club is a service organization providing community service and support in the Meadow Vista Area.  The Pack helps them with this fundraiser, and they continue their generous support of our Pack.

Pioneer Day is is the FIRST SUNDAY in June in Meadow Vista.

See Photos (Leaving Pack 6 Website)

Friends of Scouting

Support of our local Council

Our Pack is expected to support our local Council.  You can help us do this!

Funds raised support
-Program supplies for youth activities
-Volunteer training
-Camp and service center maintenance


A portion of funds raised here come back to our Pack!

at *Please Select One select "PACK" and at Unit Number select "6" in the drop-down menus where prompted.

OR, provide donations directly to the Pack!

Thanks for supporting our local Council on behalf of Pack 6!

Popcorn Sale - delicious Trail's End Popcorn

This fundraiser benefits Cub Scouts and Pack 6 directly.

The Popcorn Sale helps Scouts earn their way to a Camp and helps Pack 6.
70% of sales come back to local scouting.  Each Scout earns 25%, our Pack receives 9%.

There is even a College Scholarship program for scouts to earn money for college!

For extended family living elsewhere they can support our scouts via

The program runs from August through November.
Read more. (Leaving Pack 6 Website)Save