Popcorn Sales
This is Pack 3729 Biggest Fundraising Event of the year!
The funds raised help Pack 3729 operate and create fun events for the scouts. Please consider having your scout participate in the selling of popcorn at Jewel this day. A portion of what is sold will be credited to your scout (the amount will be determined after all Show & Sells are complete). How to sign up? There will be a sign-up sheet at the September 11 Pack Meeting. Each scout has the opportunity to sign up for a 2-hour time slot.
It is mandatory for each scout to participate and reach their goal of $200 in popcorn sales.
To reach this goal, you can:
1. Sign up and participate in Show & Sell Sept 22 & Sept 23 at Jewel in Palos Heights from 10a-4p. All scouts have the opportunity to sign up for a 2-hour time slot. If a second slot is available, you will be notified.
2. Ask Family & Friends
3. Door-to-Door Sales
Popcorn Orders Due:
Scouts sell Trail’s End Popcorn. The 2018-2019 theme is, "RACING TO YOUR GOAL"
Popcorn sales have been a Scouting tradition, and they continue to be the main source of our fundraising dollars for our pack. Selling popcorn can be a fun and rewarding experience that teaches lifelong lessons.
Cub Scouts have a minimum goal of $200 to sell each year, and there are incentives to help each of them to reach this goal and surpass it.
At the beginning of each Scouting year, families are provided literature on the Popcorn Program during the popcorn kickoff celebration. Selling popcorn not only helps our organization but it provides the Scouts with great skills in the way of salesmanship, networking, business and personel management, community involvement and family participation. These skills lead to a sense of strong self-worth, leadership and a basic understanding of how money works.
We have a wide variety of popcorn from which to choose. From our popular Unbelievable Butter Microwave Popcorn and Premium Caramel Popcorn with Almonds, Cashews, and Pecans, to our limited edition tins, there are many options.
We know, however, that some people just can’t eat popcorn. For those folks who wish to support Scouts but don’t want the popcorn, you can buy popcorn that will be sent to our American Armed Forces to brighten their day!
Online Sales
You can visit the Trail's End website and look for your Scout from whom you may wish to sponsor by purchasing popcorn through his portal.
Site Sales
Cub Scout Pack 3729 have periodic "Show & Sell" dates at the Jewel Osco on 127th and Harlem. Our Pack will be selling Popcorn from 10am-4pm on Saturday - September 22, 2018 & Sunday - September 23, 2018. To participate, parents must sign-up their Scout for a specific time slot to work either of those days. Also, at least one parent should plan to stay with their son at Jewel during their scheduled selling time unless other arrangements have been made in advance with another adult. Sign-up sheets will be available at the September 11 Pack Meeting.
All popcorn order forms and payments must be turned in by 5:00 p.m. on OCTOBER 22, 2018. This is a hard deadline as the order will be placed on . Den leaders will need to pick-up their Den orders, 3:00 p.m. or later on . Location info to follow.
Selling Tools/Resources
Attached below are forms that parents/scouts may find useful in having a successful Popcorn Fundraiser.