· The PLC is made up of the following Troop Officers: SPL, ASPL, Troop Guides, Scribe, and Patrol Leaders (or Assistant Patrol Leaders in the absence of a Patrol Leader). All other officers need not be present at the PLC, but will submit a monthly report to the ASPL, who will in turn, incorporate those notes into his PLC report. The PLC is advised by the Scoutmaster(SM) and Assistant Scout Master(s) (ASM.) In general, major activities requiring travel or money expenditure need to be cleared with the (adult) Troop Committee.
· All terms of office are currently for 6 or 12 month terms. Terms run from August to July, August to January and February to August. (see schedule above)
Patrol Leaders are elected by their patrols.
- The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader is elected by the troop and will become Senior Patrol Leader the following year provided he has served the troop well and can continue to serve.
- Others positions are appointed by the SPL with final approval by the SM.
· PLC meetings are held monthly, and may be called by the SPL or other leaders as required.
· The rank requirements (Star, Life, Eagle) to hold a troop leadership positions are not fulfilled by winning an election or being appointed a position, but by consistently and thoroughly performing the duties of the office, demonstrating leadership, and being present as much as possible. Officers not performing their duties will, at a minimum, lose part or all credit for time served, and possibly be asked to resign and be replaced. Each officer should come to each troop activity prepared with a plan of action to fulfill the role required by his position. Close supervision or direction by senior scouts or adult leaders is not indicative of failing to fulfill the obligations of an office. The offices of the troop are considered positions of service, not power or prestige.