Pack 1021's
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Parent Communication

Cub Scout Pack 1021
(Wayland-Cohocton, New York)
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Parent Communication

Scouting Families,

The Pack Committee sends out monthly emails to Scouting families with updates from the committee as well as updates on upcoming Den and Pack events. Leaders will also use the texting communication app. "Remind" to send out regular reminders and updates via text message. 

Scout den and pack meetings are often very busy and it doesn't leave a lot of time to discuss things that are going on.  Some topics are not appropriate to be discussed in front of scouts for various reason.  The Pack Committee recognizes the importance of parent input. We as a program want to provide the best program possible and Do Our Best to accomplish this task. If needed, the pack has created a parent communication page. This is not a page that you can post on, however, attached is a parent communication form that you can download, print, and submit to the committee for review.  The committee will review your thoughts and follow up with you or any involving parties. The information will be reviewed at the Pack Committee Meetings which are the 1st Friday of each month.  Please remember that parents should be role models for the other scouts when we are at scouting activities.  

You can email your completed forms to or hand them to a den leader or Committee member or Cub Master or Assistant Cubmaster.

Yours in Scouting,

Pack 1021 Committee

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