US Contingent Resources Page:
* Newsletter #1 (March 2018)
First Contingent newsletter. Read about the new scholarship program, ways to promote the Jamboree, a special note to each member of the Contingent from Young Adult Contingent Leader Rachel Eddowes, and more!
* Newsletter #2 (June 2018)
This edition gives a virtual tour of the Jamboree program, an update on application statues, a SWAG update, a Scholarship update, information on World Scouting, and more.
* Newsletter #3 (September 2018)
WoJam #3 talks about how to start getting ready: physically, socially, logistically, and more!
* Newsletter #4 (December 2018)Check out the latest on travel, safety, the final SWAG list, and program information!
* Newsletter #5 (March 2019)2019 means the Jamboree is getting close! Our March edition of WoJam Unlocked includes updates on Swag, Health & Safety, Program, and how to prepare in the last few months before the Jamboree. Check it out now!
* Newsletter #6 (May 2019)With the Jamboree ever closer, we loaded this month’s WoJam full of important details: Tenting, SWAG, Communication, Subcamp assignments, Café USA, NOVUS, Travel, Money, and more. Don’t miss it!