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Boy Scout Troop 29
(Congers, New York)
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Bugling Calls

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Signals troops to assemble at a designated place.

Signals all personnel not authorized to be absent to their quarters for the night.

Signals religious services are about to begin.
The call may also be used to announce the formation of a funeral escort.

Sound as a warning to turn out for drill.

Signals all designated personnel to report for fatigue duty.

Signals that there is a fire on the post or in the vicinity.  The call is also used for fire drill.

Sound as a warning that personnel will prepare to assemble for a formation.

Signals mealtime.

Signals all officers to assemble at a designated place.


Signals the end of the official day.

Signals the troops to awaken for morning roll call.  Used to accompany the raising of the National Colors.


Signals that unauthorized lights are to be extinguished.  This is the last call of the day.
The call is also sounded at the completion of a military funeral ceremony.

We give praise and honor to the men and women of our country.
We thank them for their military service.
May God bless and protect those who faithfully serve our nation.

We thank the US Army Bands for the music. 

 To serve those who had sacrificed so much for their country:
Join Bugle Call.  Anyone can volunteer as a BAA Bugler. They can play a traditional bugle with no valves, or they can perform the ceremony for a veteran on a Trumpet, Cornet, Flugelhorn, or a 1, 2 or 3 valve bugle. The bugler can be of any age as long as they can play the 24 notes of Taps with an ease and style that will do honor to Veterans and their families.